Smoking habit means having poision likely knowing that you are going to bring your death with your own hands. All over the world there are 500 cigerette factories which are responsible for several deaths every year.A million cigerettes are prepared for every 5seconds.Every one knows that cigeratte is harmful for health but it has become a passion for them to smoke.The ingredients mixed in cegerette invites health issues to your body.

The above pictures shows the manufacturing and the waste material used in it.Knowing how is manufactured there were many members who are addicted to it and cannot live without smoking.Nicotine is the addictive drug that causes smoker to continue smoke.The persons who are addicted needs enough nicotine every day to control their carvings.The ingredients of tobacco are Tar,Carbon monoxide,Hydrogen cynide,Metals,Radio active compounds.

 *The major effect of smoking is on RESPIRATORY ORGANS.It causes damages to wind pipe and voice box.It makes the lungs damaged and makes breathing difficult.It brings permanant damage of lungs and leads to major health problems like Asthama.

*Smoking brings effects on circulatory systems.It causes high blood pressure and heart problems.Oxygen content will be decreased in the organs.Damages the arteries,viens.Brings risks of stroke and heart attack due to blockages in blood supply.
*The bone density will be reduced and cannot be able to do their works by themselves.
*Damage of sexual organs.Lower sperm content,deformation of sperm,genetic damage to sperm,reduced fertility,for ladies menstrual cycle irregularities,increased risk of cancer.
*Addiction to it brings irritation for no reason,burning sensation in stomach and intestines,reduces ability to smell and taste,wrinkling of skin in small age,may cause loss o1f vision slowly.
*Smoking in public areas brings health problems to those who breaths the smoke comming from the smoker.Maintain dIstance with them and try to make your family memebers not to be addicted for smoking.

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