WEIGHT management means maintaining balanced weight (no overweight/no underweight) for your height.To say weight management can be made easily by healthy lifestyle.Balanced weight can be achieved by healthy eating habitants and with physical exercise to your body,by making sure that your body is over/underweight try to control over consumption/under consumption of food.
We have some methods for weight management as stated below.

*Our body requires more protien which should be given to our body as a healthy breakfast.We get protien to our body during meals also but protien intake at breakfast has greater effect of functioning to our body.During meals we provide much carbohydrate and fat content foods to our body.Having HEALTHY BREAKFAST to our body gives much protiens which help in burning more number of calories.Fat loss can me made by taking excess protieous food during brealfast.I have suffered from underweight problem due to protien defeciency and now im happy having HEALTHY BREAKFAST everyday.

*Have a low calories containing foods.A moderate decrease in calories intake can help in slow weight loss,and also for long time weight management.Low fat meats control the calories intake and cholestrol consumption.
*Intake of more vegetables during meals helps us decrease hunger and to maintain weight.The vegetable food contains more water content and also fibre content.Fiber intake foods control hunger and decreases total energy intake.

*Caffeine has been assosiated with increased energy expenditure but it is not much good for health.GREEN TEA does great work in clensing of parts inside the body.Study's have shown that Green tea is much helpful in prevention of Chronic diseases.
*Diet controls should not be made for weight loss.Proper intake of protien foods gives good health.Making a healthy lifestyle,food preferences and medical conditions should be considered for proper diet maintainanace.

*Intake of 4 to 5litres of water to the body gives much result in weight management.Do physical exercise and walk for 30minutes daily in the morning.Daily have some fruits containing water content in high.Have a healthy lifestyle and LIVE HEALTHY.

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