OBESITY is a condition in which excess body fat is accumulated to the extent that it may have negative effect on health,leading to reduced life expectancy and also increased health problems.In western countries people are considered obese when their Body Mass Index ,a measurement obtained by dividing a persons weight by the square of persons height,exceeds 30kg/sq.meter.
Obesity bring many diseases like heart disease,type 2 diabetes,obstructive sleep apnoea,cancer.Obesity is mainly caused due to excess intake of food and by lack of physical exercise to the body,although some are caused by genes.endrocine disorders,medications.Some obese people eat less yet they gain weight due to slow metabolism is limited.On average,obese people have great expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain increased body mass.Obesity and overweight have significant implications for health,social care,the economy and are also linked with educational appointment.EXERCISE is the main treatment for obesity.

Diet Reviews:
The 3hours diet plan:
The 3hour diet plan is a trademarked  food plan which helps to loose weight by eating a small portion for every three hours throughout the day.This helps alot to obese people to loose weight by healthy eating habits in these 3hour plan.It means if a person follows 3hours diet plan then he should follow the things stated below.
At 7AM Breakfast,at 10AM an amount of 100calories snack,at 1PM lunch,at 4PM an amount of 100 calories snack,at 7PM dinner.Follow this 3hour plan with more water intake which gives you great results.
Blood type Diet:
Mainly dieters says that eat right for your blood type.Eating the wrong foods containing the wrong lectins can cause ill affects on the body.Eat the foods that benefit your blood type but not that effects.
For O positive type,this blood type diet plan will be benefiting from a high protein diet like meat and fish,grains,dry fruits,water and physical exercise.
For A type,After "the cultivation of grains and livestock changed everything" for humanity  developed based on "the need to fully utilise nutrients from carbohydrate sources.This can be done by soy proteins,grains,red meat,vegetables,water and physical exercise.
For B type,it contains "Potential for great malleability" and is linked with flexible digestive system.These type B dieters can tolerate dairy products and can also enjoy meat.This type restricts wheat,tomatoes,peanuts,lentils.
For AB type,it includes both A type and B type as the name itself suggests.Type AB dieters are encouraged to avoid meats.Have seafood,dairy foods and daily physical exercise to be practised.
The weight watchers Diet:
Weight watchers is the commercial of all diet plans.The main and foremost thing is  long term weight management with a commitment to not just better eating habits,but a healthier lifestyle.The new system will assign points based on a complex algorithm that takes into account the specific proportions of protein,vitamin,fiber,carbs,fats in a food item.Dieters are called members,The initial goal of the program is to reduce weight.Weight watchers sells food products at most supermarkets and pharmacies and has partnered to offer healthy items using weight watchers point system.

The Hormonal diet:
The primary focus is on hormone fluctuations that can negatively affect a person's weight.The diet involves a two week long Detoxification process where you avoid eating fish,meat,olives,avocados,eggs,soy products etc,..The Hormone diet boasts pf being the first diet to emphasise the importance of Harmone; balance among all of the 16hormones that influence weight,and to explain daily routine  like eating,stress management,more water intake,exercise that can help boost harmones to burn fat.
Effects on health:
*Coronary heart diseases:As your body mass index rises,the risk for coronary heart diseases increases.Obesity people often have abnormal levels of cholesterol and other blood fats.This encourages fatty deposits to buildup in the wall of arteries.If atherosclerosis narrows the arteries supplying the heart,chest pain or heart attack may occur.The situation of heart problem is known as Coronary Heart Disease.The relation between obesity and coronary heart disease was viewed as indirect ,i.e through covariates related to both health and coronary heart disease risk.

*Type2 diabetes:Type2 diabetes occur when pancreas doesn't produce enough amount of insulin to maintain normal blood glucose level or when the body is unable to use the produced insulin.The main risk for developing type2 diabetes is being over age of 35,having a close genetics,being obese.The 3 types of fats are responsible for diabetes like sub-cutaneous fat,body fat and visceral fat.
*Cancer:Being overweight or obese is a risk for several types of cancer.more than 85% of people are obese or overweight.It says that they have more amount of body fat in relation to lean body tissue,like muscle.High birth weight is associated with high cancer risks.Weight gain in adulthood result in several types of diseases in cancer.Loosing weight and gaining weight may also be risky.Breast cancer,colon & rectum,Kidney are some types of cancer appeared closely in obese persons.
*Many other problems like Asthma,high blood pressure/low blood pressure,Gastro intestinal and liver diseases,Reproductive and urological problems,Psychological and emotional problems etc..
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